We’re delighted to announce the first beta release of FoCal automatic lens calibration and testing software for OS X to run on Apple Mac computers.
Image Stabilisation Settling Time and Image Quality
The Mac version of FoCal is coming on very nicely, and we’re preparing for a public Beta release for FoCal Pro users within the next few days (keep an eye out!). Right now, we’re doing some final tests and creating the OSX version of the manual. In doing so, we have to run all the …
FoCal Mac Update
Canon EOS-1D X Firmware Update
Canon today announced the release of the 1D X firmware version 1.0.6 which includes an important fix for AF Microadjustment. We wouldn’t normally shout about camera firmware updates, but this one is very relevant to FoCal. There has been a bug to do with how AF Microadjustment is applied to the internal memory of the …
New Website!
Welcome to the new FoCal website! The primary reason for this change is to make it easier for us to update the website, keeping it relevant and useful. The original “black” website was manually coded and quite difficult to maintain, and we’ve been guilty of letting the information get a bit outdated. Right now, quite …
FoCal 1.6 Released
What’s new in FoCal 1.6.0? FoCal 1.6.0 brings the following improvements: Significant improvements to the analysis and prediction algorithm Addition of Canon EOS-1D X support Improvements to the MultiPoint Focus Test Automatic update check on startup – get quicker notification of new versions! Various bug fixes The key feature in this new version of …
Welcome to the Reikan FoCal Blog!
Hello! We wanted an easy to reach place where we could talk about FoCal itself, cameras, autofocus and all sorts of other interesting things related to FoCal. So we’ve set up this blog! It’s early days at the moment so there’s likely to be a few changes to this part of the site. If you …