Blog Archives

New Online Camera/Lens Information Tool

We’ve just launched the first version of our Camera/Lens Information tool which takes our database of uploaded FoCal results and lets you easily visualise the combined results of various FoCal tests from thousands of FoCal users! You can find the tool on the front page of the website in the new Online Tools menu option, …

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Image Stabilisation Settling Time and Image Quality

The Mac version of FoCal is coming on very nicely, and we’re preparing for a public Beta release for FoCal Pro users within the next few days (keep an eye out!).  Right now, we’re doing some final tests and creating the OSX version of the manual.  In doing so, we have to run all the …

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FoCal Mac Update

FoCal Mac Main Test Window(Camera Open)

As promised, I wanted to give an update on FoCal Mac – the OSX version of Reikan FoCal Automatic Lens Calibration software.  We’ve been working really hard on this to get the latest functionality of FoCal available natively on the Mac, and it’s nearly ready.

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