Will I have to pay for updates?
FoCal Desktop Products
When you purchase FoCal (Desktop) it comes with 12 months of software updates from the date of purchase.
While within your 12-month support period, you will have access to:
- All software updates (both major and minor)
- FoCal Comparison Data – compare your gear with other users from around the world
- Full access to premium features of the FoCal Mobile and Snapshots apps.
When the initial 12-month included updates period expires, users continue to be able to use FoCal at the most recent release covered by the included updates period. Our licensing is not a subscription – if you don’t renew, you can keep using the version that was current at the end of your period indefinitely.
Please note that the above applies to FoCal Desktop products only. Mobile applications are licensed through their respective Stores (Apple App Store or Google Play) and subject to different licensing.
A new 12-month update period can be purchased to gain access to more recent releases of FoCal and continue to use comparison data and premium app features. Renewing is at a reduced cost, generally 40% of the current FoCal cost (40% of FoCal Plus download price or 40% of FoCal Pro download price depending on which version you’re using).
Purchase a new update period by logging into the License Management System and scrolling to the section titled FoCal “Included Updates Period” Status the button there will take you to the secure online store (shown below)

Once the update has been purchased open FoCal and you should see a message your license details have changed (shown below)

Click “Yes”, FoCal will re-start and you will be able to download and use the most recent release of FoCal.
If you aren’t prompted to update your FoCal license, click “Help” and “License” and “Refresh” and the above message will be displayed.
Mobile Products
FoCal Mobile and FoCal Snapshots are licensed on a 12-month basis. As is standard with mobile applications, this is handled through either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, and when the subscription expires the application will revert back to evaluation mode.
Remember that you do have access to the premium features of all our apps when you are within your 12-month Included Updates Period of FoCal Pro (Desktop).