Preliminary D750 FoCal Support nearly here We’ve been making good progress to adding d750 support. We hope to release beta support for the D750 in the next week or so (can we beat Adobe and Lightroom support? 🙂 ). Thank you for your patience.
Which are the most popular Nikon Cameras? – 2012 to 2014

Following on from the “which lenses are most popular” post, this post is about which are the most popular Nikon cameras among FoCal users from May 2012 through to October 2014. The Data Since 2012, users of FoCal have had the opportunity to upload their results data back to our servers. We’re really excited about being able to …
Which are the most popular Canon Cameras? – 2012 to 2014

Following on from the “which lenses are most popular” post, this post is about which are the most popular Canon cameras among FoCal users from May 2012 through to October 2014. The Data Since 2012, users of FoCal have had the opportunity to upload their results data back to our servers. We’re really excited about being …
Which are the most popular lenses?
Since about mid 2012, users of Reikan FoCal have had the chance to upload results data, and it’s allowed us to build a pretty good picture of the behaviour of a lot of lenses and camera body combinations. When FoCal 2 is released, we’ll be giving this data back to the FoCal users, and in …
Nikon Top 10 Lenses by Month (2013-2014)
This page gives the month-by-month top 10 lists of lenses on Nikon cameras as shown by the user data uploads from Reikan FoCal users. Each month shows the top 10 lenses. The Month Percentage column shows the percentage made up by this lens (of the total Nikon lenses used during this month). The Percentage Change column shows the difference from the …
Canon Top 10 Lenses by Month (2012-2014)
This page gives the month-by-month top 10 lists of lenses on Canon cameras as shown by the user data uploads from Reikan FoCal users. Each month shows the top 10 lenses. The Month Percentage column shows the percentage made up by this lens (of the total Canon lenses used during this month). The Percentage Change column shows the difference …
Nikon D750 support – coming soon

Nikon D750 support – coming soon For all customers lucky enough to own a Nikon D750, we will be adding support for this camera once we have the necessary information from Nikon. This is typically released within about 4-6 weeks of the camera hitting the streets, so we hope to bring you D750 support in …
FoCal 1.9.8 Released with Nikon D810 Support
D810 Support is nearly here!

Just a quick post about the D810. It’s been a long wait, but Nikon finally released the D810 documentation in the first week of September. We’ve now had a chance to test against the camera and everything is working as it should so we’ll be running a final test cycle and packaging ready for a release …
August Update
We wanted to give you a quick update on things that are happening at Reikan: Order Shipping Please note that any order for hard targets placed after 14th August will be shipped in early September. Nikon D810 We’re still waiting for Nikon to release the documentation for the D810! It took them longer than usual …