Reikan FoCal 1.9.5 Release – Nikon Df and RGB Analysis (Windows & Mac)

We’re delighted to announce the release of Reikan FoCal 1.9.5 for Windows and Mac, bringing Nikon Df support, brand new RGB Analysis, and lots of bug fixes and improvements! Fixes and Improvements The following is a list of the major improvements across nearly 200 internal revisions of the FoCal software since the release of FoCal …

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Nikon Df Support in FoCal

Nikon Df

We’ve had confirmation from Nikon that there will be documentation available for the Nikon Df camera, so as soon as it’s available we’ll be able to evaluate whether we can support this camera in FoCal.  Whilst there are potentially quite a few internal changes from any other cameras, we’re not expecting too many surprises. The documentation …

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Reikan FoCal on OS X Mavericks (and the Nikon D610)

[Update: FoCal 1.9.2. has now been released – further information here] We’ve been testing the latest release of Reikan FoCal on OS X Mavericks – the new Mac Operating System (OS X version 10.9), and from our testing along with feedback from a few customers we are seeing almost everything working as it should.

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