We’re excited to share news of the new FoCal YouTube channel along with the first two new FoCal videos. We’ve been working on updates to the website as part of FoCal V2, things to make it easier for those getting started with FoCal and to help experienced users to get the most from using FoCal. …
FoCal 2 for Mac: Preview
FoCal 1.9.11 released with Nikon D7200 support
We’re delighted to announce the release of Reikan FoCal 1.9.11 for Windows and Mac. This version adds support for the Nikon D7200
Reikan FoCal 2 (Test Release 2) now available
We’re pleased to announce Reikan FoCal 2 TR2 – the second Test Release of FoCal 2. Headline Features To give you an idea of what’s new in FoCal 2 Test Release 2, here’s a few of the most important features: A LOT of fixes and improvements – with over 250 significant internal updates, FoCal 2 TR 2 …
Reikan FoCal 2 (Test Release 1) is here!

After way longer than we had originally hoped, we’re delighted to bring you the first version of Reikan FoCal 2! Headline Features To give you an idea of what’s new in FoCal 2, here’s a few of the most important features: Compare your results with other FoCal users – with FoCal 2, you can now compare …
Nikon D7200 Support Coming Soon
Nikon D7200 support – UPDATE ** UPDATE ** As of 13th May Nikon released their SDK meaning we are now doing the changes to support this camera. This usually takes us a week or two depending on how different the new camera behaves in our testing and any small quirks. Please subscribe to the RSS …
FoCal 1.9.10 released with 7D Mark II support
Canon EOS 7D Mark II Update…
Canon 7D Mark II support – coming soon
Canon 7D Mark II support – coming soon For all customers lucky enough to own a Canon 7D Mark II, we will be adding support for this camera shortly. We took delivery of our development camera earlier this week and already have most of the functionality working. We hope to bring you 7D Mark II …