FoCal 1.9.7 Released – Nikon Mirror Lockup & More

We’re delighted to announce the release of Reikan FoCal 1.9.7 for Windows and Mac.  This version adds Mirror Lockup functionality to Nikon cameras and fixes some important bugs. Fixes and Improvements The following is a list of the changes since the release of FoCal 1.9.6: New features: NEW: Mirror lockup mode now available on Nikon cameras …

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Why can’t the 5Dmk3,1D X and Nikon cameras be completely automated?

When FoCal was first launched, it supported the Canon EOS 5D Mark II and 7D and could run a complete calibration with absolutely no user interaction.  We added further Canon cameras, and then when we added support for Nikon cameras we hit a stumbling block which meant that the software couldn’t control one particular setting.  With …

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