Blog Archives

FoCal 1.8 arriving Monday

Reikan FoCal 1.8 Arriving 04-03-2013

FoCal 1.8 will be released on Monday for both Windows and Mac – this will be a general availability release and represents the first non-beta release for Mac computers. Those of you who have used the FoCal 1.8 Release Candidate won’t notice a huge difference, but we’ve made the following changes: – Fixed an issue …

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FoCal 1.8 Beta Released: Native OSX Nikon Support and LMS Integration

We’re pleased to announce the first beta release of FoCal 1.8 for both Windows and Mac, which brings a completely new way of communicating with Nikon cameras on Mac computers, a huge improvement to the licensing system and several general use bug fixes. Updates and Fixes The following is a list of the additions and …

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New Online Camera/Lens Information Tool

We’ve just launched the first version of our Camera/Lens Information tool which takes our database of uploaded FoCal results and lets you easily visualise the combined results of various FoCal tests from thousands of FoCal users! You can find the tool on the front page of the website in the new Online Tools menu option, …

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New FoCal for Windows release with lots of improvements

We released a new Mac version of FoCal on Monday  after some intensive testing, and this week have seen the same testing on the Windows version.  As we use the same underlying test control and analysis code, all the internal improvements in the Mac version are now available for Windows and we updated all the …

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