Blog Archives

Mirrorless AF Calibration – Part 6: The Evidence

A selection of charts shown on glass blocks against a brown background.

This is the culmination of a series of posts about how the whole autofocus system works and what issues might still lead to a requirement to calibrate lenses even though the autofocus measurements are now obtained from the same sensor as the image is captured from. I’ll link back to the previous posts at various …

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Mirrorless AF Calibration – Part 1: You SHOULD Calibrate your Mirrorless Autofocus!

Render of AF Fine-tune options on glass panels.

“Mirrorless cameras don’t need calibrating.” You hear that a lot, but is it true? At Reikan, we’ve been gathering autofocus calibration results for almost 10 years now from users of our FoCal software, which includes data from users of Nikon Z-series mirrorless cameras… and it suggests that you should calibrate your mirrorless camera.  I wanted …

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