FoCal 2.11 Beta 1

FoCal 2.11 Beta 1 is available now, bringing internal improvements, lens and camera updates, integration with FoCal IQ and beta support for the Nikon Z50!

What’s New in FoCal 2.11 Beta 1

Integration with FoCal IQ

FoCal IQ is our new data comparison website, which currently has detailed information on the performance of around 400 lenses, built from the results data uploaded from FoCal tests.

Reikan FoCal IQ

Where information is available at FoCal IQ, FoCal will show a link to jump in and have a look at the details.

FoCal IQ Link

Nikon Z50 Support – Beta

Like its full-frame siblings, the new Nikon Z 50 camera also supports AF Fine Tune, so you can calibrate the autofocus in the same way as the Nikon Z6/Z7 cameras within FoCal.

Nikon Z 50 support in FoCal 2.11 is in “beta” – we’d very much welcome feedback from users that can test with this camera.

Camera and Lens Database Updates

Thanks again to everyone who has reported lenses that weren’t identified correctly. With your help we have the information to resolve nearly all lenses.

We’ve tweaked the recognition algorithms and updated the database to resolve quite a few extra lenses that were previously difficult to resolve.

macOS Catalina Support – Update

Catalina support was added with the FoCal 2.10 release, the most recent update to macOS Catalina (15.2) has introduced issues for some Canon related software.

Good news for FoCal users. Since FoCal 2.9 we’ve been using our own custom camera communication and Catalina remains fully working even with the 15.2 macOS update.

More details…

There are more details in the changelog on the release notes for this version.

How do I get FoCal 2.11 Beta 1

Download FoCal 2.11 Beta 1 for Windows or macOS by logging in to the LMS at Once logged in, you will see a download link to the software.

FoCal 2.11 Beta is available to all users that are within their Included Updates Period as of 16th December 2019. You can get the software in one of two ways:

  • Go to the About > Update Check option in the software, and making sure the Update Channel is set to Alpha or Beta (FoCal 2.9 onwards). From here you can hit the Download button to get the software.
  • By logging in to the FoCal Account system via  Near the top you’ll see “Click here to Show or Hide Pre-Release Downloads” – click to view the available downloads.

If the above does not apply to you, you can purchase another 12 months by logging in to the account system via and going to the Included Updates Period section.

If you don’t own FoCal, you can purchase the software as a download or boxed product, as well as Focal Hard Targets from the FoCal Online Store.

It’s worth just checking the pre-release software FAQ to make sure you know type of software you’re getting.

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4 comments on “FoCal 2.11 Beta 1

  • Jose Rendon says:

    Using the BETA software to test out Nikon Z50, but I keep getting error

    There was a problem while trying to obtain information from the camera:

    Property is not supported (ND049)

    Not sure what’s going on. Do I need to have it set up a certain way? I had no problem using the BETA version for the Nikon Z7. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    • Hi Jose,

      Thank you for trying out the beta release.

      We’ve been investigating any issues raised via the beta contact form (linked from within FoCal) and just now made a new release that should address any issues.

      Do please drop us a note via the feedback button within the beta release should you find any issues.

      Best Regards,

  • Dean Fikar says:

    The Nikon Z50 doesn’t work with your software yet so you probably should consider removing it from your supported cameras list.

    • Hi Dean,

      The Nikon Z50 is part of FoCal and is supported by this release.

      Any issues please do drop the team a note via the beta contact form (button is under “Settings” > “Send Feedback”)

      Best Regards,


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