You NEED to tune your DSLR autofocus!

In Conclusion: Check your DSLR Autofocus!

To recap, I started this article with the statement:

“You are almost certainly not getting the sharpest shots from your DSLR – and it’s not your fault!”

Hopefully, the charts I’ve shown from the Nikon D850 and Canon EOS 5D Mark IV show there is a definite need to tune a big percentage of all cameras and lenses.

On average, there’s about a 50% chance your camera/lens combination will benefit significantly from calibration – that’s the toss of a coin, for each camera & lens. With certain lenses, almost every copy will need focus calibration on your DSLR to get the performance they were designed to achieve.

If you own a few lenses and maybe more than 1 DSLR body, then I will guarantee that calibration will give you significant quality improvements on at least some of the combinations.

A last look at FoCal

Lastly, I just wanted to summarise where FoCal can come to the rescue, helping you get the performance out of the gear that you’ve paid for.

FoCal Mobilefree to check your camera and lenses (iOS and Android)

FoCal Mobile Pro – calibrate your camera and lenses automatically

FoCal Plus (Desktop) – Check and calibrate your camera and lenses (Windows & Mac)

FoCal Pro (Desktop) – Calibrate, analyse and compare everything! Check out the feature list.

Thanks for reading

Thanks for taking the time to read this article. I hope it’s been useful, and shown the causes of DSLR autofocus issues, how you can fix them and give you some evidence for the need to do it.

We’d love to hear what you think, and what your experience is with your DSLR and lenses – have you had any that have really benefitted from tuning? Let us know in the comments!

2 comments on “You NEED to tune your DSLR autofocus!

  • Howard Phillips says:

    Fascinating. I’ve passed this in to a number friends who are professional photographers. Have you conducted tests with your software solution on Leica l, Fuji or Zeiss glass as well?

  • As the owner of two 5D Mark IV bodies and many of the tested lenses, including the 85mm/f1.4, this made me sit up and take notice. I will be tuning all my lenses ASAP.


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