Welcome to FoCal 2.9! This is the full, production ready and public release of FoCal 2.9. The culmination of over a year of development, bringing improvements to every aspect of Reikan FoCal.
Huge thank you to all users who have tried out the alpha and beta releases of FoCal 2.9 over the past few months. Your feedback and comments and testing have hugely helped improve FoCal 2.9 and made sure we have something users will enjoy!

Some History
FoCal came into existence 10 years ago, way back in 2009. Since the first public release in late 2011, we’ve added support for over 40 cameras and helped calibrate millions of cameras and lenses!
FoCal 2.9 is the latest and greatest release of what is still the only automatic autofocus calibration solution for DSLRs.
If you’re interested in the details of the pre-release versions, the release posts are all on the blog from here to here.
It’s taken longer than we hoped to get this release fully ready and we’ve gone ahead and “back-dated” the license requirement. We felt it was more fair to users if we back-date this release all the way back to 1st October 2018. This means you will have access to use FoCal 2.9 if you purchased FoCal or an Included Updates Period extension on or after 1st October 2017 .
What’s New
New development framework
We’ve moved to a shiny new software development framework that offers much better long term support. The new framework is designed with portability and flexibility in mind and we’ve taken this opportunity to update a huge amount of the internal workings of FoCal. This change will allow future development to be quicker, easier, more flexible and more exciting, with new features and improvements added far more easily.
One of the key drivers for this new step is providing a native 64-bit architecture release of FoCal on macOS, the older framework just wouldn’t have allowed it (more on this below!).
The old framework was becoming fragile and development was held up with internal differences between Windows and Mac code. Things are now far more consistent between platforms, making development easier with even less room for errors or bugs to creep in.
New look to the UI
When you connect to a camera, FoCal now obtains much more information about the camera and shows this to you in the Camera/Lens Info panel

Camera control improvements
During the development of FoCal 2.9, we have reworked almost every aspect of the software. One area that has received a lot of attention is how cameras are controlled.

With FoCal 2.6.5 on Mac we completely changed the communication with Canon cameras, and now we bring this change to Windows too. This means faster, more reliable communications with more flexibility of what we can do with the cameras.
Improvements to both Canon and Nikon control mean that going forward we’ll be bringing some exciting new features!
64 bit macOS
One of the primary drivers for the rework in FoCal 2.9 was Apple’s requirement that all macOS apps should be 64-bit. Over the past few versions, macOS has been periodically letting you know…

This necessitated the change to a new, far more modern software framework for FoCal which brings a whole host of benefits.

Not only will the app run faster and be more compact on macOS, the common code base between Windows and Mac will also lead to improved reliability.
Support for the Nikon Z6/Z7 Mirrorless Cameras

Nikon’s exciting new mirrorless cameras – the Z6 and Z7 – have been supported in the beta builds of FoCal 2.9 and we now bring them to everyone with this general availability release of FoCal 2.9!
“But you don’t need to calibrate mirrorless cameras…?” – have a read of our Z7 investigation blog post to find out more.
Online Context-Sensitive Help
FoCal is simple and easy to use in one sense but there is a wealth of available information provided, explaining this in detail in an accessible way is tricky. The old manual was over 150 pages long(!)
Rather than expect users to wade through a huge manual we’ve changed the format, including the most important information that’s useful in a shorter PDF manual. Whenever you wish to explore an area in more detail you can quickly access context sensitive online help.
Hit the “?” key from lots of places within FoCal application itself to get information about the area you’re interested in.

Within tests, use the Chart Help link to dig into the details about the information you’re seeing.

The online help system is continuously evolving – if you find it helpful or can think of improvements to an area let us know. We want the documentation to be driven by users, providing the clearest and best information to help get the very best from FoCal. If you want to take a look now, the index page is here.
Software Update Channels
With the introduction of Update Channels, you can now choose to get notifications about pre-release software releases.
If you like things to be solid, leave this on Stable.
If you’re interested in trying out new features, switch to Beta (nearly ready), or Alpha (bleeding edge!) streams.
FoCal 2.9 development has made extensive use of Alpha and Beta versions. Users have benefited from gaining early access to improvements and new features and provides us valuable feedback helping to ensure we make the best possible software.
Lens Name Reporting
You’d think a camera would know exactly which lens it has attached… that’s not always the case! We’ve completely changed the way that FoCal recognises lenses, using several internal methods to reliably identify an attached lens. What’s more, if we’ve got it wrong there’s a way for users to quickly let us know and we’ll fix it!

History data saved with previous tests and calibrations contains raw lens information. By improving lens recognition we’ve also improved the accuracy of matching FoCal Comparison Data to your specific camera/lens combination.
Speedy Analysis
FoCal had previously worked in a somewhat linear fashion – instructing the camera to take a shot, waiting for that image data to be available and then analysing the image before taking the next shot.

Overlapped Capture and Analysis significantly improves the times for tests by analysing images while at the same time allowing the camera to capture new images. Tests like Aperture Sharpness and Dust Analysis are considerably quicker, there is now very little difference in overall test time between raw and JPEG analysis.
Dark/Light Themes
macOS Mojave has introduced Dark Theme, FoCal takes note of how the OS is set up and reflects this within the FoCal user display.

We didn’t want to leave Windows out and have added a new lighter theme for Windows users. Changing between themes via Advanced preferences tab.

Review Result and Crop Images
In previous releases of FoCal, reviewing a test from the history database allowed the results to be seen but not the crop images as they were never saved.
In FoCal 2.9, all crop images are saved locally to your computer and you can review the complete set of results and save full PDF reports of historic tests:

Note that FoCal does NOT upload any of these images, they are stored locally on your computer but not shared.
What’s not new (some may say ‘missing’!)
There is some functionality not included within this FoCal 2.9 release. Rather than delay getting FoCal 2.9 out to users we held back on some features.
Multi-Point Focus Test is perhaps the most obvious test that’s not yet included, there will be a following update that restores this function. It’s not a fix but for users who need to run this test, keep FoCal 2.6 installed until we can provide this in a following update (it is possible to have both 2.6 and 2.9 installed at the same time).
Semi-Automatic Focus Calibration, this is a test that was scheduled to be removed and replaced with something better. Users found the old test difficult to use, in nearly every case it is far far better to stick with the normal automated calibration. We do have plans for something much better in an upcoming release
How do I get FoCal 2.9
Download FoCal 2.9 for Windows or macOS by logging in to the LMS at lms.fo-cal.co.uk. Once logged in, you will see a download link to the software.
This release is available to all FoCal users (FoCal Plus, Pro and Commercial/Non-Profit) who were within their Included Updates Period as of 1st October 2018. This means you can use the software if you purchased FoCal or an Included Updates Period extension on or after 1st October 2017.
If the above does not apply to you, you can purchase another 12 months by logging in to the LMS at lms.fo-cal.co.uk and going to the Included Updates Period section.
If you don’t own FoCal, you can purchase the software as a download or boxed product, as well as Focal Hard Targets from the store.
The installation package contains the software, target images and a reference manual (also available on the Documents Download page).
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We regularly post news and updates on social media. You can keep updated, connect and follow us via:
29 comments on “FoCal 2.9 is here!”
Missed out by a few weeks that’s disappointing !
HI Steve,
Sorry about that.
We tried to back date to a point in time where users who hadn’t seen much in the way of releases but we don’t single out specific users, just luck (or unlucky!) 🙂
Best Regards,
The license server isn’t working. I cannot register 2.9
Hi Charles,
Sorry, it looks like there was lot of load on the server for a short period (lots of users all trying to register at the same time!).
Do please raise a support request if you’re still seeing an issue and we can help 🙂
Best Regards,
Translation carried out with the help of google translator
A good day.
My included update period expired Sunday, October 28, 2018. Until that date I used the program with computer windows.
Today I would like to buy the update.
Since I have two computers that I use in two different homes: one is on a Windows system and one on a Mac system, do I have to buy two licenses or can I only use one license?
If I purchase the update, does the validity start today and will it be valid for a year?
Moving on to something else.
I need to calibrate for a 600 mm lens. If I print the target with my photo printer, what size should the target side be?
If I print a target larger than 210×210 mm, does the calibration get the same or must it be according to precise dimensions?
Waiting for feedback,
kind regards,
Nicola Gentile
Traduzione effettutata con l’ausilio di google translator
Una buona giornata.
Il mio periodo di aggiornamento incluso è scaduto domenica 28 ottobre 2018. Fino a quella data usavo il programma con computer windows.
Oggi vorrei acquistare l’aggiornamento.
Poichè ho due computer che utilizzo nelle due diverse abitazioni: uno è su sistema Windows e uno su sistema Mac, devo acquistare due licenze o posso usufruire di una sola licenza?
Se acquisto l’aggiornamento, la validità inizia da oggi e avrà valore per un anno?
Passando ad altro.
Devo effettuare la taratura per un obiettivo di 600 mm. Se stampo il bersaglio con la mia stampante fotografica, di che dimensioni deve essere il lato del bersaglio’
Se stampo un bersaglio di dimensioni superiori a 210×210 mm, la taratura si ottiene lo stesso o deve essere secondo precise dimensioni?
In attesa di un riscontro,
cordiali saluti,
Nicola Gentile
Hi Nicola,
Thank you for your interest in Reikan FoCal 🙂
>My included update period expired Sunday, October 28, 2018. Until that date I used the program with computer windows. Today I would like to buy the update.
Since your license expired after the start of October last year you don’t need to buy an update. If you log in to the account system you will see you have access to download and use FoCal 2.9
> I have two computers that I use in two different homes: one is on a Windows system and one on a Mac system, do I have to buy two licenses or can I only use one license?
You need only one single license and can be used for both systems.
> If I purchase the update, does the validity start today and will it be valid for a year?
You already have access to FoCal 2.9 (no need to purchase in order to use this release). When users purchase an update it allows access to the most recent release and further releases over the following 12 months.
> I need to calibrate for a 600 mm lens. If I print the target with my photo printer, what size should the target side be? If I print a target larger than 210×210 mm, does the calibration get the same or must it be according to precise dimensions?
With a 600mm lens you should just print the target a normal size (there is no need to print the target larger). Details on how to print via the FAQ entry How do I print the FoCal Target?
Please do drop support a note if you have further questions or I have not answered fully, blog comments don’t get checked as frequently and it is harder to give fuller responses 🙂
Best Regards,
Will Focal software help me get the best focus from my telephoto lenses with my Nikon D500 camera? I struggle sometimes to adjust the focus using the camera software and a image target.
Hi Steve,
Thank you for your interest in Reikan FoCal 🙂
Yes, that is very much what FoCal is about. Longer lens calibration is an area that will often see useful real-world improvement with AF Fine Tune and FoCal is widely recognised as a great solution. Do also check out some videos and reviews to see what’s involved.
Best Regards,
Is the new version compatible with Windows 7.
Hi Ian,
Thank you for your interest in Reikan FoCal 🙂
Yes, FoCal 2.9 is fully compatible with Windows 7.
Full information about computer requirements via Which versions of Mac and Windows are supported?
Best Regards,
How many cameras or camera/lens combinations will FoCal 2.9 allow? I have 4 bodies and 5 lenses.
Hi Rod,
Thank you for your interest in FoCal.
FoCal allows up to 5 cameras to be registered at once and there is no limit on the number of lenses.
More details via faq entry What does the license cover?
Best Regards,
Quand allez-vous sortir un patch multi language avec le français.
Je suis intéressé mais quand il causera en français.
Hi Fréd,
Thank you for your interest in FoCal.
We currently only provide FoCal documentation and the software itself in English. We have a longer term goal to be able to offer at least some translation to support more languages but it is a longer term plan, rather than something that would happen quickly.
Best Regards,
hi, i recently bought the focal pro, i downloaded it and i printed the focal chart although when trying to connect my camera i get this error message ” the camera has taken a long time to respond to a connection request, please wait a few seconds and retry again. if you have a memory card in your camera you may find connection is more reliable with the card remove” the error keeps appearing even if i remove the memory card, my camera is an canon 80d OS X 10.11.6
Hi mac,
Thank you for your recent purchase and sorry things haven’t gotten off to a more positive start.
The support team should be able to help you get going, do please drop them a note and they can help 🙂
Best Regards,
Do I need to calibrate my lenses to both of my camera bodies?
Hi Gloria,
It’s a good question, the quick answer is yes, the calibration should be on both camera bodies for each lens.
Way to think of it, you’re not calibrating the lens or calibrating the camera body. What’s happening is a calibration matching a specific lens to a specific camera body. Every combination of lens and camera should normally be calibrated.
Best Regards,
Can I calibrate with teleconverters ?
I use the canon 1.4 and 2.0 teleconverters
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your interest in FoCal.
Yes, teleconverters are supported for calibration. It’s part of how the camera works, the camera is able to store a calibration value for a lens and the camera ‘knows’ where a specific teleconverter is added.
Using an example, say a 200mm lens, calibrate with bare lens, calibrate 200mm lens with 1.4 TC and again with 1.7 TC. The camera recognises the TC is attached and stores a specific adjustment for that combination.
Best Regards,
Can I install a single purchase on both my desktop and Macbook? I plan to get a macbook in a couple of months from now but meanwhile would like to use Focal on my desktop. Thank you.
Hi Peter,
Yes, FoCal may be installed on multiple computer systems so no problem to install on desktop and Macbook 🙂
Best Regards,
Hello. I’m a new user/client.
I’ve noticed the FoCal manual states it is for Version 2.9
I have 2.12 MR1, which according to the website is the latest version.
What gives?
Hi Edward,
Thank you for your recent purchase.
Sorry about that, the web page in the documents section should have been updated, it’s now fully up to date and links to the latest manual (2.13 at this time)
Best Regards,
i have all Sigma lens … But i dont know how to calibrate or decide if its need focusing at all . Can this software automatically calibrates ?
Hi Rajesh,
Thank you for your interest in Reikan FoCal.
FoCal supports 3rd party lenses such and Sigma and Tamron 🙂
You don’t mention what camera(s) you have, do check the supported cameras page. All cameras listed on that page are supported and will run with FoCal (see that page for further details).
Best Regards,